The Opportunity
We believe there is massive potential in all organisations to more effectively utilise the energy of people and teams, just by putting strengths to work.
After all, research suggests that
- People who focus on their strengths are a massive six times more likely to be engaged with their jobs1
- Teams with line managers who focus on strengths are 86% more effective than those that don’t2
- An emphasis on performance strengths is linked to a 36% improvement in performance3
- Spending 20% more time in flow (the source of intrinsic motivation) doubles workplace productivity
Yet despite this evidence, few people can give a meaningful answer when asked about their strengths and how they actively use them at work.
A different approach
The majority of development programmes focus on closing deficits and gaps, and concentrate on improving performance through the development of weaker areas. The Strengths People offer a different approach – we focus on strengths to develop ways of working that energise and inspire people.
The science
This approach is underpinned by the science of positive psychology and supported by plenty of research that provides evidence for its effectiveness. This allows us to deliver practical development programmes that have a real, sustainable impact on performance in the real world of work.
Our Tools
We start with the measurement of individual and team strengths and the extent to which these are productively applied at work. We use a number of techniques to help us identify these strengths, including the leading online strengths assessment system, Strengthscope®. We also map the motivation of individuals and teams, their motivational strategies and the extent to which these motivational needs are being met, using Motivational Maps™.
We develop the management toolkit using Liberating Leadership’s™ easy to follow and practical process and set of essential skills for managing people to perform a their best – a blueprint for leading people to peak performance.
Putting energy into work
Then we put energy into work in three dimensions:
- Personal Development optimising personal strengths and core motivators, building personal energy, resilience and confidence to help the individual become his or her best self
- Team Development developing and applying team strengths and core motivators to build energised and collaborative teams
- Management Development working with managers to develop their toolkit to optimise the performance of their teams
Business success comes through realising energy in each of these dimensions. This is achieved by aligning strengths and motivation to personal, team and organisational goals and embedding this approach in the management culture of your business.
¹Rath 2008, ²Gallup 2002, ³CLC 2005